Friday, 18 January 2008

Missing a blog, cool housemates, and Eagle Vs Shark

Oh no, it appears I missed another blog post out yesterday, and this one is going out pretty late. I don't feel too bad about missing it yesterday, although this time I missed it out of choice rather than an internet problem. The reason why i missed it is because I went out straight after work yesterday. It wasn't planned, I just didn't get the blog done in the day time because I got up late and decided to focus on doing some writing on my feature script before I had to go to work at Blockbusters. I planned to get the blog out when I got back, but I got a phone call just after closing time (though we hadn't actually closed the store yet because a pair of annoying customers wouldn't leave - a point I expressed loudly on the phone to my friend while one of the customers were in ear shot. It didn't seem to make any difference... Twats!!!). My housemates were around a friends house and they were going to a party. It had been a while since I'd been out anywhere so I decided I would go out and miss doing my blog with the intention that I would do two blogs today to make up for it, one in the morning and one this evening... Of course that didn't happen.

It didn't happen coz I was hung over this morning. It was one of those bad ones. The only way I can deal with these sorts of hangovers is to spend most of the day in bed curled up into a fetal position crying to myself about how much my head hurts. At around three I started feeling hungry so I sent a text to Sophie that said "My head hurts. I'm hungry can u make me breakfast... Please".

Amazingly 15 minutes later Sophie came into my room with eggs and beans on toast! How cool is that? But as a house I would say we're all pretty good like that when it comes to cooking. Each night we take it in turns over who is going to cook for everyone. This evening Yoli made us all pancakes - with both savory and sweet options for fillings... Not bad eh?

Anway, enough bragging about how cool my housemates are, I just watched a film called Eagle Vs Shark, the best word I could use to describe it is "sweet". I don't mean "sweet" as "Dude what does my tattoo say? - Sweet! Cool what does mine say? - Dude!". I mean the film was "sweet", as in it was kind of nice, but in a good way. It was really funny as well, particularly as it features Jemaine Clement, one half of the hilarious folk paradoy duo Flight of the Conchords. I'm not gonna go into a detailed analysis or breakdown of the film as I only really do that with films that I think are shit, or piss me off. If a film is a good like this one is, I'll just recommend that people should watch it and let it speak for itself. So yeah, go and watch it, and while you're at it download some Flight of the Conchords songs or check out the TV series if you can find it on DVD or maybe online. It is totally sweet! (btw this is the only time I will use the words totally and sweet together, not because I think it's a special occasion or anything but because I'm attempting to make a humourous reference to what I said earlier in this paragraph about the word "sweet". I just thought I would explain the joke in this "trying to be post-modern" manner, to "A" get more out of it, and "B", not mislead you into thinking I say "totally sweet" or "totally" in that surfer dude sort of way all the time.)

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