Thursday, 21 February 2008

Sonnets of the darkhorse

Hmmmm, what oh what should I blog about this morning? You see, my days are often filled with the same stuff right now so if I just wrote what was on my mind everyday this blog will become far too repetitive. I would be better off just copying and pasting stuff from previous days over and over again.

I suppose if I did want to do that I could perhaps make it a bit more interesting and use one of those William Burroughs inspired "cut up" generators, mix and match a few posts and then copy that new, jumbled up and chaotic text into here. Actually I'll get on it and do that right now. Just a minute....

...Okay, I found quite a good 'cut-u' machine on the internet that you can program to do poetry. The results I found pretty suprising because usually they just generate a complete rhythmless mess of words.

This was my first go at it, and all I did was give it a link to my blog, set it to 5 beats per each line, and got it to create rhyming pairs and this is the result:

Chronicles of odeDan
distraught inroad

Gday trepidation
free titillation

Oops i disgracer
To do bait tracer

Yesterday i stair
To grey silverware

Ll do it a rat
I ll do trail tat

My mind instruction
Clear rent conduction

Doing this thing wig
Quite at that page jig

Want it to be gait
Has pretense roommate

Sort of habit vine
Had the bazaar shrine

Of a blog i maid
folktale allayed

Everyday nard
Have to burr retard

I don t wainwright
The excuse patch height

Was busy master
I did dom tapster

A few drinks after nude
timbrel servitude

Got carried shiner
wildfire recliner

Drank fadrank fa rent
Too much ley lent

Then i was dead beauts
phone acidifiers

I thought some of the stuff in there was pretty funny. Particularly the line: "Of a blog I maid, folktale allayed".

I cut some of it down as well because it was even longer than this. You've probably noticed there's a lot of made up words here, as it seems to take it a step further than most of your basic cut up generators on the internet, and actually take words apart as well to make them rhyme.

Tomorrow, if I feel I can't be bothered to type anything I'll just do this again. It's easy and fun.

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