Sunday, 23 March 2008

Moving my room around

I'm thinking about rearranging my bedroom today. I suppose it is something I should have done a long time ago. When one of my mates was round some time back and I showed her how cold the room was she suggested I move the bed away from the cold vortex generated by my patio doors, and bring it to the other end of the room so it is next to the radiator. I knew it was sound advice at the time but I am a lazy sort and could never be bothered to do it because I had more important things to do be doing - like sitting around worrying about my dissertation.

So today I am going to pick up all the shit off my floor and sweep the room because the floor hasn't been swept since I got here - oh yeah, I might not have mentioned it before but we don't have carpet, we have wood panel flooring. This is another probablem when it's chilly because your feet get cold as well but at least it looks nice though. Combine this with the way it has been furnished and the open plan kitchen/lounge, the house looks like an Ikea show room.

It's gonna be a pain in the arse moving stuff aroung though, particularly the wardrobe, but I suppose if my housemates were feeling generous they could help me... Then again I'm not sure what things might be lurking under my bed. Do I really want them to see? I might forestall asking for their help actually.

At least whatever is under there can't be as bad as when I moved house 7 years ago and my dad cleared my room while I was at work. He and my step-sister's boyfriend moved my bed and found a porno DVD on the floor underneath it. The cover featured a large picture of a woman taking a cock in her mouth (to clarify, that was 'a large picture of a woman' not 'a picture of a large woman'), and my dad being the big mouth he is had to tell everyone about it. He's not like other parents who inadvertadly embarrasses their kids, oh no, my father often goes out of his way to embarrass me. Sometimes he tries to act really innocent about it but I know he is doing it intentionally. One of the reasons for this is because he gives himself away by pointing out on any occasion where I might be embarrased by saying something like "I bet you're really embarrassed now".

I think that might go some way in explaining why I usually admit very embarrasing stuff to people. It's a strange coping mechanism I've come up with I suppose, if you can't beat em, join em. Even my housemate pointed that out recently when he remarked that I enjoy being embarrassed. It's not that I enjoy it but more that I'm willing to put myself in the firing line if it gets a laugh - so long as it's on my terms.

Anyway, back to the room rearragement issue that I seem to have been sidetracked from talking about.... Actually I think I've exhausted that subject now and said all I've needed to say.

I'm gonna go rearrange my room.

Until next time.

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